Local Oregon Honey Comb
6 oz / Willamette Valley Blackberry Comb Honey
Humble Bee Honey
Humble Bee Honey is a family-owned business located in the Southern Willamette Valley. They are passionate about honeybees and provide raw, unfiltered honey produced using organic and sustainable practices. Their honey comes from over 1,100 hives that they personally manage, ensuring the highest quality product. They differentiate themselves from other brands by sourcing their honey locally and using bee-friendly practices.
Delivery is available for addresses within a 20-mile radius of Portland, OR. Please allow a few days for us to process your subscription order and confirm your monthly delivery dates.
Delivery Window
M-F: 10am - 1pm PST
Sat & Sun: 10 am - 3 pm PST
Pickup Times: 11a-6pm at 3434 SE Milwaukie Ave.